Lullaby Too Rough – Sarah Howe
Lydia O’Ryan interviews Sarah Howe at Poet in the City’s Lullaby Too Rough event
Lydia O’Ryan interviews Sarah Howe at Poet in the City’s Lullaby Too Rough event
Oliver Fallon interviews Murray Lachlan Young at Poet in the City’s Vices and Verses event
Tom Deveson interviews Will Montgomery at Poet in the City’s O’Hara: In the Heart of Noise event
Poet in the City · Interview with Lauren Elkin at Baudelaire – Botanist of the Sidewalk Charles Baudelaire was the original flâneur poet, embodying the spirit of the curious wanderer. One hundred and fifty years after his death, join Poet in the City and the Rimbaud and Verlaine Foundation as we traverse the psychogeography of…
Julija Gulbinovic interviews John Reid at The Further Adventures Of M. Robinet
Ariel Silverman interviews Nick Cope at Putting Paws Into Poetry, an event at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Featuring Dr Ruth Padel, the Reverend Lucy Winkett, James Massiah and Niles Hailstones.