Too Young For What? Celebrating the creativity of Basquiat – Gemma Weekes
Oliver Fallon interviews Gemma Weekes at Poet in the City’s Basquiat Event
Oliver Fallon interviews Gemma Weekes at Poet in the City’s Basquiat Event
Poet in the City · Interview with Lauren Elkin at Baudelaire – Botanist of the Sidewalk Charles Baudelaire was the original flâneur poet, embodying the spirit of the curious wanderer. One hundred and fifty years after his death, join Poet in the City and the Rimbaud and Verlaine Foundation as we traverse the psychogeography of…
Oliver Fallon interviews Murray Lachlan Young at Poet in the City’s Vices and Verses event
Julija Gulbinovic interviews Jolade Olusanya at the National Poetry Day event In Transit
Julija Gulbinovic interview Jackie Oates and Scott William Albert Hartley at The Land Listeners, an event held as part of Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics festival
Poet in the City · Dylan Read reading Les Aveugles by Baudelaire Dylan Read was born in Paris and grew-up in Fife, on the east coast of Scotland. At university, Dylan performed and co-directed an extensive repertoire of theatre and performance projects. As a keen musician, he also scored a critically acclaimed version of The Caucasian…
Axel Kacoutie interviews Kayo Chingonyi at Kayo Chingonyi – Threnodies, an event at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival