Lullaby Too Rough – Sarah Howe
Lydia O’Ryan interviews Sarah Howe at Poet in the City’s Lullaby Too Rough event
Lydia O’Ryan interviews Sarah Howe at Poet in the City’s Lullaby Too Rough event
Pamela Mounter interviews with Prof. Joan Anim-Addo at the Africa: Words Across The Diaspora event
Tom Deveson interviews Will Montgomery at Poet in the City’s O’Hara: In the Heart of Noise event
Imogen Hamilton-Jones interviews Jo Shapcott at Poet in the City’s annual Poetry Breakfast, held to celebrate National Poetry Day
Tom Deveson interviews Prudence Chamberlain at Poet in the City’s Ladies of the Left Bank event
Pamela Mounter interviews Max Wallis at Poet in the City’s Heartbreakers event
Axel Kacoutie interviews Kayo Chingonyi at Kayo Chingonyi – Threnodies, an event at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival