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Baudelaire: Botanist of the Sidewalk – Dylan Read

Dylan Read was born in Paris and grew-up in Fife, on the east coast of Scotland. At university, Dylan performed and co-directed an extensive repertoire of theatre and performance projects. As a keen musician, he also scored a critically acclaimed version of The Caucasian Chalk Circle.  Most recently, he has been working on a piece of performance art to be presented in a Berlin gallery in March, and helping to create a sequel to the Fringe sell-out show Dinner is Swerved, of which he was co-creator. Alongside working with Théâtre Senza, he is devising a large-scale theatre performance exploring the visionary urban themes of Baudelaire’s Le Spleen de Paris with GoodDog theatre company.
This reading took place on 22 November 2017 at Kings Place at Baudelaire: Botanist of the Sidewalk.

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