Interview with Jane Draycott at Poetry and Medicine
Interview with Jane Draycott at Poetry and Medicine
Interview with Jane Draycott at Poetry and Medicine
Interview with Deryn Rees-Jones, Tim Matthews at Rimbaud & Verlaine in London
Join us for a new exhibition in collaboration with the Thelma Matilda Alves Foundation to mark 75 years since the arrival of HMS Empire Windrush.
Interview with Gwyneth Lewis at Dylan Thomas
Bernard O’Donoghue interviewed at Poet in the City’s Ireland & Identity event
As part of Poet in the City Producers, Poet in the City and Regent’s Place present a series of additional skills workshops for early-career producers designed to further develop professional skills needed to boost employability. How to be a Creative Producer part 1: The Business of Being Freelance Ever wondered how to put together an invoice?…