Interview with Geoffrey Coupland and Jim Stoten at Art on Art: Poetry & Illustration
Interview with Geoffrey Coupland and Jim Stoten at Art on Art: Poetry & Illustration
Interview with Geoffrey Coupland and Jim Stoten at Art on Art: Poetry & Illustration
We have worked with many inspiring partners, artists and freelancers this year and in closing 2020 at Poet in the City, I’d like to recognise their incredible work and our appreciation of their creative collaboration. A particular shout out goes to our freelancers, the creative geniuses behind the scenes who you might not know but…
Domino by The Adriano Adewale Group at Desert Blues
Interview with Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi at his poetry
Interview with Robert Hass at Robert Hass and Kay Ryan
Interview with James Vigus at Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Pamela Mounter talking to Edmund Gordon at Poet in the City’s Angela Carter event.