Vices and Verses – Don Black
Oliver Fallon interviews Oscar-winning lyricist Don Black at Vices and Verses, an event held at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival.
Oliver Fallon interviews Oscar-winning lyricist Don Black at Vices and Verses, an event held at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival.
Axel Kacoutié interviews Diran Adebayo at Langston Hughes – Dreams Deferred
Axel Kacoutie interviews The Afrikan Revolution at Poet in the City’s Poetry & Lyrics Festival
Pamela Mounter interviews Mariah Gale at Poet in the City’s Heartbreakers event
Tom Deveson interviews Will Montgomery at Poet in the City’s O’Hara: In the Heart of Noise event
Oliver Fallon interviews Joshua Idehen at Poet in the City’s Basquiat Event
Poet in the City · Dylan Read reading Les Aveugles by Baudelaire Dylan Read was born in Paris and grew-up in Fife, on the east coast of Scotland. At university, Dylan performed and co-directed an extensive repertoire of theatre and performance projects. As a keen musician, he also scored a critically acclaimed version of The Caucasian…