Professor Mark Ford on T.S. Eliot & Lancelot Andrewes
Professor Mark Ford on T.S. Eliot & Lancelot Andrewes
Professor Mark Ford on T.S. Eliot & Lancelot Andrewes
Interview with Halawi Abdullahi at Edward Lear at 200
Join us for a decadent – dissident – evening in celebration of the ‘Tenth Muse’ herself
Joao Jesus by Adriano Adewale Group at Desert Blues
Interview with Ed Burnside at Oral Epic Poetry
As part of Poet in the City Producers, Poet in the City and Regent’s Place present a series of additional skills workshops for early-career producers designed to further develop professional skills needed to boost employability. How to be a Creative Producer part 2: Marketing Yourself As an independent producer, how do you establish your own professional profile?…
Interview with Angus Tilbury on signage and design of Kings Cross