Interview with Steve Lamacq, Pauline Murray, Penny Rimbaud and TV Smith
Interview with Steve Lamacq, Pauline Murray, TV Smith and Penny Rimbaud at the Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Interview with Steve Lamacq, Pauline Murray, TV Smith and Penny Rimbaud at the Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Erica Gillingham interviews Otis Mensah and producer Billy Manning at Speak Your Truth, an event curated by Poet in the City’s Producers Scheme at Poet in the City’s 2018 Poetry and Lyrics Festival
TV Smith reading his poem “We Stand Alone” at the Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Charlotte Cole interviews Liv Wynter at Poet in the City’s SkinDEEP event part of the Kings Place Festival
Erica Gillingham interviews John Wilson, Jehnny Beth and Simon Armitage at Icons and Influences, an event at Poet in the City’s 2018 Poetry and Lyrics Festival
With Wendy Cope, Luke Wright, Zoe Wanamaker, Tiffany Watt Smith, Rachel
Cooke, and Will May.
Charlotte Cole interviews Antosh Wojcik at Poet in the City’s Jacob Sam-La Rose Introduces… event