Sounds of the Deep – Professor Edith Hall
Tom Deveson interviews Professor Edith Hall at Poet in the City’s Sounds of the Deep event
Tom Deveson interviews Professor Edith Hall at Poet in the City’s Sounds of the Deep event
by Anthony Anaxagorou
Julija Gulbinovic interviews Sabrina Mahfouz at Poet in the City’s National Poetry Day event Journeys
Melanie Roberts interviews Anthony Anaxagorou at Poet in the City’s Under the Skin – Live at St. Paul’s event
With Wendy Cope, Luke Wright, Zoe Wanamaker, Tiffany Watt Smith, Rachel
Cooke, and Will May.
Poet in the City · Interview with Mona Arshi at Poet in the City’s Sylvia Plath – Life Between the Lines event Mona Arshi worked as a Human rights lawyer at Liberty before she started writing poetry. Her debut collection ‘Small Hands’ won the Forward Prize for best first collection in 2015. Her poems and…
Charlotte Cole interviews Laura Bates at Poet in the City’s SkinDEEP event part of the Kings Place Festival