Interview with Maurice Riordan at Ireland and Identity
Maurice Riordan interviewed at Poet in the City’s Ireland & Identity event
Maurice Riordan interviewed at Poet in the City’s Ireland & Identity event
Interview with Laura Garcia Lorca at Lorca’s Gypsy Ballads
Local residents, policy makers, charity workers and creatives came together to kick off the Poetry Exchange Hub at Newcastle City Library. Find out more.
Poet in the City · NPD 2018: Interview with Yomi Sode at Poet in the City’s If These Walls Could Talk This interview was conducted on 4th October 2018 at UCL Quad, Gower Street by Penny Hughes at If These Walls Could Talk, in partnership with UCL Culture as part of National Poetry Day 2018.
Interview with Ruth Livesey at Bloomsbury’s Women
Sasha Dugdale on Ted Hughes
Interview with Zuzanna Olszewska at Poetry and the State