Make That Change – Leeto Thale
Pamela Mounter interviews Leeto Thale at Poet in the City’s Make That Change event on National Poetry Day 2018
Pamela Mounter interviews Leeto Thale at Poet in the City’s Make That Change event on National Poetry Day 2018
Pamela Mounter interviews Sarah Lenton at Poet in the City’s The Revolution Will Not Be Televised event
Poet in the City · Interview with Lisa Luxx at Poet in the City’s Sam Sax event Lisa Luxx is a writer, performer, essayist and activist of British Syrian heritage. Winner of the 2018 Outspoken Prize for Performance Poetry and a regular feature at major literary events across the UK and Lebanon. She’s also the author…
Poet in the City · Interview with Dr. Daniel Swift at Poet in the City’s Ezra Pound – Making It New event Dr Daniel Swift is a Senior Lecturer in English. He has a BA from Oxford University and a PhD from Columbia University in New York. He has written books about Ezra Pound, William Shakespeare,…
Pamela Mounter interviews Deanna Rodger at Poet in the City’s Under the Skin – Live at St. Paul’s event
Pamela Mounter interviews Bonnie Greer at Poet in the City’s Make That Change event on National Poetry Day 2018
Spirit de la Mare interviews Pecs Collective at Poet in the City’s You Don’t Own Me event