Lorca: Poet in New York – Jorge De Juan
Pamela Mounter interviews Jorge De Juan at Poet in the City’s Lorca – Poet in New York event
Pamela Mounter interviews Jorge De Juan at Poet in the City’s Lorca – Poet in New York event
Julija Gulbinovic interviews Bridget Minamore at Poet in the City’s National Poetry Day event Journeys
Melanie Roberts interviews Patience Agbabi at Poet in the City’s Under the Skin – Live at St. Paul’s event
Anthony Anaxagorou, Sabrina Mahfouz and Benin City at Poet in the City’s NPD event Journeys
Charlotte Cole interviews Victoria Adukwei Bulley at Poet in the City’s Jacob Sam-La Rose Introduces… event
Pamela Mounter interviews Bonnie Greer at Poet in the City’s Make That Change event on National Poetry Day 2018
Charlotte Cole interviews Antosh Wojcik at Poet in the City’s Jacob Sam-La Rose Introduces… event