Borderless and Brazen – Gboyega Odubanjo
Kate Murrant interviews Gboyega Odubanjo at May Ayim: Borderless and Brazen, an event held at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Kate Murrant interviews Gboyega Odubanjo at May Ayim: Borderless and Brazen, an event held at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Poet in the City · Interview with Will Harris at Poet in the City’s Ezra Pound – Making It New event Will Harris is the author of Mixed-Race Superman (2018) – an essay examining resilience and self-creation, as well as a chapbook, All This is Implied, winner of the LRB Bookshop Poetry Pick for best pamphlet. A selection…
Penny Hughes interviews Narguess Farzad at Poet in the City’s Rumi – The Universe in Motion event
Poet in the City · Dylan Read reading Les Aveugles by Baudelaire Dylan Read was born in Paris and grew-up in Fife, on the east coast of Scotland. At university, Dylan performed and co-directed an extensive repertoire of theatre and performance projects. As a keen musician, he also scored a critically acclaimed version of The Caucasian…
Featuring Travis Alabanza, Poppy Noor and Sophia Thakur.
Erica Gillingham interviews John Wilson, Jehnny Beth and Simon Armitage at Icons and Influences, an event at Poet in the City’s 2018 Poetry and Lyrics Festival
A tribute to all women murdered by violent men, Icelandic poet Gerður Kristný presents Drápa, a story of modern-day Nordic crime reimagined through Old Viking Skaldic verse, musically accompanied by members of ALDAorchestra. On a frozen January day in Reykjavik, 1988, 26-year-old Gréta Birgisdóttir was strangled to death by her husband Bragi Ólafsson. Ten years on,…