Interview with Gareth Bonello aka The Gentle Good
Pamela Mounter interviews Gareth Bonello Aka The Gentle Good at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Pamela Mounter interviews Gareth Bonello Aka The Gentle Good at Poet in the City’s Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Protest Library is a mini-exhibition and performance space exploring women’s protest in the North East and inspired by poet and performer Ellen Moran’s work with communities in the East End of Newcastle.
Reports from our Newcastle ‘zine making session
A tribute to all women murdered by violent men, Icelandic poet Gerður Kristný presents Drápa, a story of modern-day Nordic crime reimagined through Old Viking Skaldic verse, musically accompanied by members of ALDAorchestra. On a frozen January day in Reykjavik, 1988, 26-year-old Gréta Birgisdóttir was strangled to death by her husband Bragi Ólafsson. Ten years on, renowned Icelandic…
Interview with Mark Doty at The Right to an Identity
Interview with Will Burns at Pop Up Poetry at Kings Place