Interview with Eleanor Penney at Jacob Sam-La Rose Introduces…
Charlotte Cole interviews Eleanor Penney at Poet in the City’s Jacob Sam-La Rose Introduces… event
Charlotte Cole interviews Eleanor Penney at Poet in the City’s Jacob Sam-La Rose Introduces… event
Pauline Murray reading her poem Silent Community at the Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Melanie Roberts interviews Anthony Anaxagorou at Poet in the City’s Under the Skin – Live at St. Paul’s event
Julija Gulbinovic interviews Benin City at Poet in the City’s National Poetry Day event Journeys
Julija Gulbinovic interviews Sukina Owen-Douglas at Poet in the City’s Alternate Realities event, part of Kings Place Festival
by Anthony Anaxagorou
TV Smith reading his poem “We Stand Alone” at the Poetry and Lyrics Festival