COVID-19 Update

Tuesday 17th March 2020 19:00

Dear Poet in the City community,

Following guidance to avoid public gatherings during this time, we have taken the difficult but necessary decision to cancel our Spring events programme until further notice. Our priority is the health and safety of our community – including our audiences, our performers, our volunteers and our staff – and we will be working with our venue partners to monitor the situation closely and will keep you updated on any changes over the coming weeks.

It is our belief that poetry connects us with each other, helps us to navigate uncertainty, and offers us a space to reflect during times of change. So while we can’t come together in person for now, we are exploring ways to continue bringing together poetry and people in the digital sphere. Please stay tuned for further information about this in the coming days.

In the meantime, we want to thank you as ever for your continued support. Poet in the City is a charity, like many other arts organisations, which relies on ticket sales and donations; if you have enjoyed events you have attended, and feel able to make a donation to support our work through this difficult time, please find out more about how to do so here with our thanks and gratitude!

Team PinC x

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