2018 | 2019 | Dr. Devorah Baum | Jeffery Sugarman | Sam Sax
Sam Sax – Dr. Devorah Baum
Jeffery Sugarman interviews Dr. Devorah Baum at Poet in the City’s Sam Sax event
Jeffery Sugarman interviews Dr. Devorah Baum at Poet in the City’s Sam Sax event
Poet in the City · Interview with Sam Sax at Poet in the City’s Sam Sax event sam sax is a queer, Jewish poet and educator. He’s the author of Madness (Penguin, 2017) winner of The National Poetry Series and Bury It (Wesleyan University Press, 2018) winner of the James Laughlin Award from the Academy…
Poet in the City · Interview with Lisa Luxx at Poet in the City’s Sam Sax event Lisa Luxx is a writer, performer, essayist and activist of British Syrian heritage. Winner of the 2018 Outspoken Prize for Performance Poetry and a regular feature at major literary events across the UK and Lebanon. She’s also the author…
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