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Fail Better – Anthony Anaxagorou

At a time when technology, global society and our lives are changing at unprecedented pace, Poet in the City’s Fail Better 2020 season explored failure as a process, and change as a necessary, ever-present facet of our lives.

Through Poet in the City’s Poetry Broadcast Series on YouTube, we explored new ways to connect poetry, ideas and audiences on a global scale in the digital world as a means to combat the loneliness and isolation of COVID-19, and enable us to continue supporting artists and producing art at this time.

Anthony Anaxagorou: 31 March 2020
Anthony Anaxagorou is a British-born Cypriot poet, fiction writer, essayist, publisher and poetry educator. His second collection After the Formalities published with Penned in the Margins is a Poetry Book Society recommendation. It was selected as one of The Telegraph’s and The Guardian’s best poetry books of 2019 and shortlisted for the 2019 T.S Eliot Prize.

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