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Fail Better – Zahra

At a time when technology, global society and our lives are changing at unprecedented pace, Poet in the City’s Fail Better 2020 season explored failure as a process, and change as a necessary, ever-present facet of our lives.

Through Poet in the City’s Poetry Broadcast Series on YouTube, we explored new ways to connect poetry, ideas and audiences on a global scale in the digital world as a means to combat the loneliness and isolation of COVID-19, and enable us to continue supporting artists and producing art at this time.

Zahra: 21 April 2020
Zahra is an Indian poet based in Essex. She is a Barbican Young Poet and a Roundhouse poetry Collective alumna. Her poems have won the Bridport Prize, Wells Festival of Literature Young Poets Prize and the Asia House Poetry Slam. In her writing, she explores the ideas of identity, belonging and relationships. She has been featured across BBC World News, The New Indian Express and Young Poets Network. She has performed her work at festivals including Hay, Latitude and Last Word and has poems forthcoming in SLAM! You’re Gonna Wanna Hear This and The Ultimate APM Anthology.

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