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Liv Torc

A city of silence.
A city of noise.
Two faces of a mirror,
78 years thick.

How different are we from our grandmothers and great grandmothers?

How many more unexploded bombs exist in the creases of history ready to change our rights as women forever?

Liv Torc’s Bombshells explores the parallels between the shifting lives of women during COVID and those living and fighting through the First and Second World Wars – asking what can we learn from our female ancestors and what advice would they give us on how to cope with being a woman today. Her performance combines poetry, song, a film created using haiku and the photographs of local women’s ancestors.

Liv held open sessions at St Thomas Library in Exeter to gather local women’s stories and experiences for her Herstory commission.

Liv Torc

Liv Torc is a spoken word artist and producer who plunders the vast caverns and dormant volcanoes of the human and planetary condition. A Radio 4 Slam Winner, a former Bard of Exeter, host of the Rainbow Fish Speakeasy and current co-host of the Hip Yak Poetry Shack. Liv is lead artist in Take Art’s long running social prescribing and poetry project Word/Play and she specialises in facilitating spaces for vulnerable adults. She runs Haiflu, the Hip Yak Poetry School, Hot Poets and the spoken word stage at WOMAD.

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