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Penny Remfry

The Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1970s

How far have we come since the Women’s Liberation Movement of the 1970s? Trustee and founding member of Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland Penny Remfry has been actively involved in women’s liberation since the 1970s to the present day. Join her for this discussion of the movement and its demands, and discover some of her incredible personal archive of campaign posters. Taking in the struggles for anti-colonial, anti-imperial and workers’ as well as women’s rights – how far have we come in fifty years of protest?

Penny Remfry

Now retired from paid employment, Penny worked for 30 years in the community and voluntary sectors on Tyneside. She was involved in the early days of Women’s Aid and Rape Crisis and more recently in North East Women’s Network and a local group North Tyneside Women’s Voices which campaigns on women’s issues locally. Penny has an allotment, loves walking, and singing (only with others!).

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