Poetry and Lyrics Festival 2018 – Richard Scott
Oliver Fallon interviews Richard Scott at his event at Poet in the City’s 2018 Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Oliver Fallon interviews Richard Scott at his event at Poet in the City’s 2018 Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Erica Gillingham interviews Rebecca Goss at Poet in the City’s Tokens of Motherhood event
Poet in the City · Interview with Helen Carr at Poet in the City’s Ezra Pound – Making It New event Helen Carr is a Professor of English at Goldsmiths University. Her research is largely focused on American literature, particularly American poetry, women’s writing, feminist and postcolonial theory, and the relation between literature and anthropology. Helen is…
Poet in the City · Interview with Sadiqa Juma, Saffana Monajed and Najwa Umran at Celebrating the Islamic World Saffana Monajed is a mathematician and creative. Alongside working on multicultural marketing as a 9-5, Monajed co-founded Project Ribcage, a series of interviews with muslim women proffessionals to elevate the self image of muslim women in…
Julija Gulbinovic interviews Professor Markys Cain at Time Unwrapped – Memento
Poet in the City · Interview with Rakaya Esime Fetuga at Celebrating the Islamic World Rakaya Esime Fetuga is a Muslim writer from London of dual West African heritage. Her work joins conversations on women, faith and identity. Rakaya won the Spread the Word Poetry Competition in 2017, was shortlisted for the Out-spoken Poetry Prize…
Aynur Meric interviews Kate Wakeling at Super-sonic Poetry, an event at Poet in the City’s 2018 Poetry and Lyrics Festival