Poets Who Changed 1968: Adrienne Rich – Mary Jean Chan
Erica Gillingham interviews Mary Jean Chan at Poet in the City’s The Women Poets Who Changed 1968: Adrienne Rich event
Erica Gillingham interviews Mary Jean Chan at Poet in the City’s The Women Poets Who Changed 1968: Adrienne Rich event
Julija Gulbinovic interviews Francis Leviston at Time Unwrapped – Memento
Pamela Mounter interviews Leeto Thale at Poet in the City’s Make That Change event on National Poetry Day 2018
Erica Gillingham interviews Mark Ford at Poet in the City’s The Women Poets Who Changed 1968: Adrienne Rich event
Oliver Fallon interviews Anna Madeley, Christopher Glynn and Claire Booth at Emily Dickinson – Copland Settings, an event at Poet in the City’s 2018 Poetry and Lyrics Festival
Erica Gillingham interviews Rebecca Goss at Poet in the City’s Tokens of Motherhood event
Poet in the City · Interview with Will Harris at Poet in the City’s Ezra Pound – Making It New event Will Harris is the author of Mixed-Race Superman (2018) – an essay examining resilience and self-creation, as well as a chapbook, All This is Implied, winner of the LRB Bookshop Poetry Pick for best pamphlet. A selection…