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Ellen Moran – Poetry and Protest Library

Hear new poems by Ellen Moran, specially commissioned for Herstory Newcastle and inspired by the poets’ work with local communities as well as the British Library’s Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women’s Rights exhibition. Ellen is moved by themes of protest, and specifically everyday acts of resistance.

Ellen’s Protest Library is a mini-exhibition and performance space exploring women’s protest in the North East, inspired by her work with communities in the East End of Newcastle. Join Ellen as she leads you through the ephemera of protest, triggering poems inspired by the experiences of rule-breaking lasses, and thinking deeply about what it means to stand up for your rights.

Ellen Moran 

Ellen is a poet and performer from Newcastle. She believes in using poetry to bring together communities and fight for a better world. She started writing in 2018 and in the same year she won the Great Northern Slam. Ellen was a semi finalist in the 2019 Hammer and Tongue UK Grand Final at the Royal Albert Hall. She was commissioned by Poet in the City and the British Library to respond to the Unfinished Business exhibition.

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